Inline Text Edit 1.3 Options

cancel - String / Selector

Selector of the cancel block within the context of the form object.

display - String / Selector

Selector of the display block within the context of the main object.

form - String / Selector

Selector of the form block within the context of the main object.

hover - String / CSS Class

CSS Class added/removed when hovering over the display block.

href - String / URL

URL of the server side script.

html - Boolean

If true, text box will be filled with the html contained in the display block. If false, nothing will be changed to the text box

load - function

Callback function when result set is done being pulled from the server. The 'this' object references the display box.

Note*: When set, this function overrides the default functionality of filling the display block with the response text.

loadtxt - String

HTML inserted into the display block while content is being loaded from the server

postData - Object

Object passed as POST parameters to the server.

Note*: The var stored in postVar will always override any var with the same name stored in the postData object.

postFormat - Function

Function to be triggered to send custom data on every request.

Note*: This function must return an object to be effective.

postVar - String

Name of the variable that contains the users input when being sent to the server

requestType - String

Type of request during ajax calls. Only use 'GET' or 'POST'.

revert - String / Selector

Reverts the current input/textarea to the original text stored when the form was opened.

save - String / Selector

Selector of the save block within the context of the main object.

text - String / Selector

Selector of the text block within the context of the main object.