Auto Complete 5.1

Auto Complete sends input from a user to a script server side, and creates a drop down with the JSON data returned. It supports the metadata plugin, as well as script level caching. A few examples are included on this page, but check out the docs for a full list of features.
For those upgrading from 4.1, check out the changelog, the backwardsCompatible setting, and the 4.1-compatible page showing that upgrading works.
A list of commonly misspelled words in English found at is used as the sample result set.
Currently in Focus:  
+ Open Code
var $div = $('#AutoCompleteFocus');
$.autoComplete.focus = function(){
	var focus = $.autoComplete.getFocus( true ), previous = $.autoComplete.getPrevious( true );
	$div.find('.current span').html(
		focus.length ? 'name=' + focus.attr('name') + "'" : 'Nothing in Focus'
	$div.find('.previous span').html(
		previous.length ? 'name=' + previous.attr('name') + "'" : 'Nothing previously in focus'
Normal Initiation
 * Button code for above example
// Add enabling feature (disable to begin with)
$('input[name=enable-1]').attr('disabled', 'true').click(function(){
	$('input[name=destroy-1]').attr('disabled', false);
	$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
// Add disabling feature
	$('input[name=enable-1]').attr('disabled', false);
	$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
Prevent form submission when running callbacks on selection
// Auto-complete preventing form submission, and firing onSelect function
	// preventEnterSubmit is already flagged true by default
	onSelect: function(event, ui){
		alert('You have selected ' +;
Send requests to different page with extra POST parameters,
returning with no display value.
	ajax: 'ajax2.php',
	postData: {
		hook1: 'Do something on hook1',
		hook2: 1942,
		hook3: 'Do something with hook3'
	postFormat: function(event, ui){

		// Add the current timestamp to each request = (new Date()).getTime();

		// Return the data object to be passed with the ajax function
Use the metadata plugin to set limitations on a per input basis.
// Auto-complete using metadata and maximum requests
	onMaxRequest: function(event, ui){
		$(this).css('background-color', 'red');
		alert('Sorry, but you have used up the maximum number of reqests allowed, and ' + + ' was not processed');
// Clear requests and remove red background
	$('input[name=search4]').autoComplete('flush').css('background-color', 'white').val('').focus();
<input type='text' name='search4' style='width:300px;' class='someclass {minChars: 2, maxRequests: 10}' />
Trigger autoComplete by clicking an external button.
// Auto-complete with trigger
// Trigger full 'c' list
	$('#input-c').autoComplete('button.ajax', {all:true, letter:'c'}, 'ALL_LETTER_C_REQUESTS');
// Trigger full 'd' list
	$('#input-c').autoComplete('button.ajax', {all:true, letter:'d'},  'ALL_LETTER_D_REQUESTS');
// Clear just the cache, not the # of requests
	$('#input-c').autoComplete('flush', true);
Supply a data set for autoComplete to use.
// Autocomplete on User Supplied data
	dataSupply: ['jane', 'john', 'doe', 'amy', 'alice', 'louis', 'liz', {value: 'mark'}, {value: 'merideth', display: 'Merideth Johnson'}]
// Trigger whole list
Allow for multiple words, autofill, and striped lists.
// Multiple words, autofill and striped lists
	multiple: true,
	multipleSeparator: ' ',
	autofill: true,
	striped: 'auto-complete-striped',
	// Add a delay as autofill takes some time
	delay: 200
Be sure to check out the docs for a full list of options.
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